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It’s ok to make exceptions to ensure a great customer outcome

March 20, 2017

It’s ok to make exceptions to ensure a great customer outcome

Last week the air conditioning in my car stopped working and the heat gauge in my car was unusually high. You can imagine how cross this hot old lady got. I rang the people at my local Midas where I have a new relationship and explained my dilemma.

George, Mr Midas, suggested I bring the car in and he would have a look.

I did that and later that day he rang me to say that he had driven the car around, checked all the appropriate bits and concluded all was fine. It must have been a blip or a button unclicked. I thanked him and asked how much and he said, ‘No cost Pip, all good’.

I was very thankful and totally chuffed. I am 100% cemented in that relationship and they now have my car service & repair business for good.

The same week I went into the bank I had been with for 14 years to get a chunk of money out. When I asked for the amount they told me that I can’t have it then and there and needed to order it.  Having not known that rule, I explained I needed it that day to pay a bill and can they make an exception. The banking assistant said no. I asked for the manager who also said no. I asked where the rule was written down (no one could tell me where it was) and explained again that I didn’t know about it, the manager then suggested I drive around to other branches to pick it up.

Thank god my air conditioning was back on.

It is true that to have a good and consistent brand experience, there needs to be processes and systems. But when those rules suit the business and not the customer then the person at the coal face should be empowered to give an alternative outcome.

Yes, it requires training and yes it requires trust but as I was getting hot and flustered at the bank, another customer was also raising her voice with frustration. That’s not nice for anyone.


Written by Pip.

Last week the air conditioning in my car stopped working and the heat gauge in my car was unusually high. You can imagine how cross this hot old lady got. I rang the people at my local Midas where I have a new relationship and explained my dilemma. George, Mr Midas, suggested I bring the Continue reading

Last week the air conditioning in my car stopped working and the heat gauge in my car was unusually high. You can imagine how cross this hot old lady got. I rang the people at my local Midas where I have a new relationship and explained my dilemma. George, Mr Midas, suggested I bring the Continue reading


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