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What makes your brand queue-able?

November 5, 2014

What makes your brand queue-able?

Lewis Road Creamery Fresh Chocolate Milk is causing quite a stir in New Zealand. The 500 strong stock in one popular supermarket was sold out in 90 minutes recently, with consumers queueing before opening hours to grab a maximum of two bottles.

It is not the first time we have seen consumers queue for a brand they love. Apple has experienced camp outs and long lines every time a new iPhone is launched and the recently opened Krispy Kreme store in Adelaide created a storm when cars were filing around the block, sometimes at 1.30AM to pick up a donut.

LRAbove: Lewis Road Creamery’s milk made with a block of Whittaker’s chocolate has NZ shoppers in a frenzy

The international retailers Zara, H&M and most recently Uniglo have all seen huge crowds queueing blocks away to pick up a fashion item.

The question is how do these brands get consumers queue-ing for their products?

There are a few reasons why consumers line up:

1. To be the first – it’s a good feeling to be at the front of the queue and score that desirable product

2. To be seen as an advocate and be part of that club – those that line up are all in it together and what a feeling is that

3. To prove something – brands and brand love is a great way for people to show their tribe members what they are all about

So, how do brands tap into that?:

1. Create an amazing product or service & refresh it constantly. In Lewis Road’s example, the milk is famous for its freshness is being made with a block of Whittaker’s chocolate, equally notorious for its product.

2. Be interesting and have a point of view. Most brands have a great story to tell. Not all brands tell their story well but those that do are interesting and have consumers as raving fans. ‘Just do it’ has struck a cord with consumers all over the globe.

3. Finally, develop some mystery around your product. Mystery helps make you interesting and captures people’s attention. Think, Beyoncé, Don Draper and Phoenix on Letterman. These mysteries create fascination, and those who are transfixed are the brand ambassadors that line up.

If a brand does this, there will be hype, lines will start forming and the magic will happen.

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