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An Open Letter To All Brands In 2019: Please Stop With The Irrelevant Experiences

January 10, 2019

An Open Letter To All Brands In 2019: Please Stop With The Irrelevant Experiences

Dear brands,

At a time when we’re being surrounded by messages about new year’s resolutions and fresh starts, here at BrandHook we have been brainstorming (i.e. venting about) the things we wish brands would stop doing in 2019.

I’m talking about those really annoying, irrelevant, time consuming experiences that make for a poor CX. If you’re guilty of any of the below examples, it’s time we had a chat.

  • To the fitness brand that continuously re-targets me on Instagram and Facebook with advertising to ‘get fit in 2019’ and sign up to their intro offer when I have already been a loyal customer for years… please stop. I’d rather see motivating tips or loyalty rewards.
  • To the homewares and furniture brand that emailed with a dollar off code for a first purchase immediately after an online purchase was made… that was a bit of a punch in the guts.
  • To the massage brand that makes us handwrite our personal details every time we visit… why can’t you keep our information on file and save us all time?
  • To the online tech brand that doesn’t have an ‘online help’ chat function… why are you so behind the times? You’re an online tech brand!
  • To the clothing brand that clearly ignores my email preferences… I’m going to stop opening your emails until you stop sending me irrelevant eDMs about children’s clothing (for the children that I do not have). I’m providing my data, the least you could do is actually use it.
  • To the automotive brand that sent me a service reminder five months early… I’m obviously going to ignore it. Please stop wasting my time.
  • And to all the brands that send ‘Happy Birthday’ emails on the 1st of the month, regardless of our actual birth dates… it’s time to show you actually care!

In 2019 it’s time for your brand to become truly customer-centric. The days of thinking ‘it will do, the customer won’t really care’ are over.

So, is your brand guilty of any of the above?  I dare you to take the BrandHook CXO Challenge  to find out how you can do better.



Dear brands, At a time when we’re being surrounded by messages about new year’s resolutions and fresh starts, here at BrandHook we have been brainstorming (i.e. venting about) the things we wish brands would stop doing in 2019. I’m talking about those really annoying, irrelevant, time consuming experiences that make for a poor CX. If Continue reading

Dear brands, At a time when we’re being surrounded by messages about new year’s resolutions and fresh starts, here at BrandHook we have been brainstorming (i.e. venting about) the things we wish brands would stop doing in 2019. I’m talking about those really annoying, irrelevant, time consuming experiences that make for a poor CX. If Continue reading


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