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Who is afraid of sharing and collaboration?

August 5, 2013

Who is afraid of sharing and collaboration?

A while ago, we pondered (moaned) about the lack of sharing in the industry we work.  Call it collaboration, call it merging of the minds, call it whatever you want – our perception is that Australian business don’t like to do it.

In the old days (the days Pip remembers), it is true that it wasn’t relevant.  Ad agencies made an ad, media companies put it on TV and then you saw the success of it by selling product off the shelf.

Last week, we saw collaboration work.  While it might sound like a joke, what happens when an insights agency, a media agency and an advertising agency walk into a boardroom – last week, was actually quite good.  It was, as the client hoped it would be, a brains trust.  A willingness to share what we are all good at for the greater good.

Yet, recent sporting events reminded me how it’s not a common occurrence in Australia.  Look at Great Britain – Scotland is happy to share it’s tennis star for a GB winner, Wales was more than happy to prop up the British Lions win and South Africa came to the party for the English cricket team – not bitter at all!

So why are Australian businesses afraid to share?

Do we like to protect our own?  As an insights agency, BrandHook knows what we are and what we’re good at but we’re continually up against all types of agencies that claim to do what we do? Is the market driving us to be a ‘jack-of-all-trades and master’ of none?

The benefits of collaboration are immense. reminds us that sharing can help us learn more, stay abreast of new thinking and challenge our own ideas and be more inspirational.  The bottom line though is that it helps our clients be more productive and streamlined.

Collaboration does require a grown up approach to work.  With most clients having a repertoire of 5 or 6 agencies all trying to achieve different outcomes on different timelines, co-ordinating thinking can be hard.

Transparency is key.   We have just given our agency partners access to The Grapevine so they see, hear and challenge the consumer we are all trying to engage.

I don’t expect this blog to be read, commented on, shared or the like but again, I’m not bitter – just trying to be transparent and collaborate.  Is there anyone else out there?

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