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The 10 principles to building a great brand

November 28, 2012

The 10 principles to building a great brand


At BrandHook we help brands discover their brand hook. Our approach is to follow the 10 BrandHook hook principles:

  1. Building on what is real: It is vital to start with the brand heritage to understand how to move it into the future. We recently spoke to the founder of a famous discount retailer who told us that his success was based on being the first Australian retailer to have a defined quality process. Great foundations to grow the brand and the business.
  2. Unearthing the human truth: Using a variety of tools and methodologies we spend time with the people that matter. Whether it is those in the workplace or the customers who buy the product, we understand what makes them tick.
  3. What you want to be known for: Through internal and external observations and conversations, by exploring the history of the brand and looking at what is happening the world, we develop the brand essence.
  4. The business opportunity: This is where we spread our wings and explore the strategy with big numbers.
  5. Developing a consistent experience: When I developed the customer experience at Virgin Home, our backend supplier kept telling us ‘that we don’t do things like that’. Clearly we pushed through because mapping out your ideal experience through all touchpoints meant our brand essence – our brand hook – came to life.
  6. Working hard to keep your promise. Working with our clients, we help build the processes and systems required for promise delivery.
  7. Empower your internal advocates: All too often, businesses spend time understanding their consumer but forget the internal audience. We have developed a range of tools that not only helps the workers be understood but also includes them in the ideas that grow the business.
  8. Measuring your brand temperature: There is no point initiating any new ideas or building on your foundation without understanding the point of view of the people. This is where we validate the marketplace view and how our learnings resonate with the target audience. We size the market, understand the potential, predict the growth, give assurance via the robust methodology. Furthermore, we have two key indicators unique … Workplace Happiness IndexTM and Consumer Craving TM.
  9. Cultivating your community: We believe in continuously talking to your people. Both your internal and external audiences can help you create ideas, develop and refine products & services and feed back on marketing initiatives. Our global wine client has listened to the people for 18 months and continues to launch success products that tap into the experience of the internal audience and the needs of the external one.
  10. Innovation for growth: To stay in touch, to continue to surprise and always be relevant with your consumer a brand must continually innovate. Without new ideas and a pipeline of progression a brand will die. Just think Kodak, Nokia, Atari, Avon and Olivetti – a company that despite designing and building one of the first portable computers went on to think that the future was in typewriters!


  At BrandHook we help brands discover their brand hook. Our approach is to follow the 10 BrandHook hook principles: Building on what is real: It is vital to start with the brand heritage to understand how to move it into the future. We recently spoke to the founder of a famous discount retailer who Continue reading

  At BrandHook we help brands discover their brand hook. Our approach is to follow the 10 BrandHook hook principles: Building on what is real: It is vital to start with the brand heritage to understand how to move it into the future. We recently spoke to the founder of a famous discount retailer who Continue reading


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