Is Budweiser being put out to pasture?

  This holiday season, Budweiser has decided that they are going to drop their iconic Clydesdale horses from their advertising. To give some context, these horses have been a feature of Bud’s ads for over 80 years. The brand says it is only for a short period but I wonder whether this is a precursor Continue reading

FEATURE VIDEO: Key lessons from the Hunter Collective

Left to right: Jane Huxley, Pip Stocks, Lisa Messenger and Pinky McKay Last week Pip Stocks, our co-founder was invited to the Hunter Collective panel of entrepreneurs to talk about what it is like to run a business and give advice to other business owners. Pip was joined by Lisa Messenger of Renegade Collective, Jane Huxley Continue reading

The supermarket that stole Christmas

It’s the second winter I’ve been back in the UK and it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Without wanting to alienate my Melbourne colleagues, the UK knows how to ‘do Christmas’. The cold, dark nights compliment the Christmas lights being turned on, it’s entirely appropriate to be thinking about mulled wine and in Continue reading


While many retailers are struggling to meet customer service expectations, those who are on top of their game are now moving towards delivering exactly what customers want even if it’s above and beyond what the brand sells or the service it provides. Internet shopping site Zappos has introduced a new service that helps customers track Continue reading

Food Trends: Coconut, offal and maple water?

It’s a popular pastime in the BrandHook office to chat about what’s going to be the next big thing in the food world. Recently we’ve seen burgers grown in labs, unusual but delicious flavour combinations (salted caramel, yum!) and Heston like discoveries such as fruit that looks like fruit but tastes like meat. Many food Continue reading

Putting online shopping deliveries to the test

The e-commerce sector is set to boom again this Christmas. In September, sales were up 12.8% compared to a year ago according to the NAB online retail sales index. Improved delivery times have been a significant driver of online sales growth, with many retailers now offering 3 hour delivery – but which retailers are delivering on their Continue reading

What makes your brand queue-able?

Lewis Road Creamery Fresh Chocolate Milk is causing quite a stir in New Zealand. The 500 strong stock in one popular supermarket was sold out in 90 minutes recently, with consumers queueing before opening hours to grab a maximum of two bottles. It is not the first time we have seen consumers queue for a brand they love. Continue reading

Airlines: the world’s worst innovators?

Long time readers of the BrandHook blog will appreciate that I have a history of sharing travelling experiences, so it should come as no surprise that after being awake on a plane for a very long time recently, that this blog is once again about the travel industry. It was somewhere in the 13.5 hours Continue reading

3 Rules for Brand Strategy in the 21st Century

1. Sameness is boring Granted, a core part of branding is about presenting a consistent face so customers can be reassured of quality and familiarise themselves with your brand – but sameness and hyper consistency are boring. The most exciting brands are dynamic, and whilst they keep core elements consistent, they are flexible enough to Continue reading

Brands and Charities: How brands can help us give back

As I prepare myself for the visual assault of moustaches that is nearly upon us, I thought it was a good time to reflect on how brands are doing their part to support philanthropic initiatives. An Australian online beer retailer has set up a crowd funding campaign to sell its limited edition craft beer and Continue reading

Normcore: The rise of less is more

For years, the most talked-about fashion trends were thought to be unique, unexpected, and exciting. Then, just when we were getting the hang of things, normcore happened. Lost? Normcore – a made up word for the ‘non-trend trend’ that incorporates anything you would describe as being bland, plain and minimal. This original concept of normcore Continue reading

The State of Mental Health in Australia

3 in 10 Australians have first hand experience with mental health issues in their family but only 18% feel adequately informed on the issue.  Mental Health Week has started and while the issue might be close to the Australian population with 34% of the population stating that they or an immediate family member has suffered Continue reading